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Planning Board Minutes 07/21/2011
July 21, 2011

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Secretary)              David Dubois (Member)     
Jesse Lazar (Vice-Chair)        Charles Levesque (Member)               Martha Pinello (Member)           Andrew Robblee (Chair)        John Robertson (Ex-Officio)                 Stephen Schacht (Alternate)                                         
Members & Staff Absent: Mike Tatro (Alternate)  Scott Burnside   (Member)
Public Attendees:
Ron Haggett             Tim Perry               Al Weisswange   Karen Weisswange
Shelley Nelkens Marie Harriman  Mike Genest             Wes Enman
Ann Enman               Stuart Gross            Mike Ott                Margie Warner
Gordon Webber   Helen Whittemore        Paul Whittemore Molly Moore-Lazar
Leigh Bosse             CR Willeke              Ben Pratt

7:00 PM – Review Period
  • Review July 7, 2011 Minutes  - Approve Minutes – Mr. Robertson motioned to accept the minutes. Ms. Pinello seconded. By a voice vote, the minutes were approved, as amended.
  • Appoint alternates to sit for absent members – Mr. Schacht to sit for the absent Mr. Burnside
7:15PM – Work Session
  • Gap Mountain Development LLC – Jack Belletete – Update of Excavation and Subdivision
Has asked for renewal excavation pit and renewal of  subdivision
There was a short discussion and review of what had occurred on the parcel.
Mr. Levesque moved to extend the 2 bonds, renew the excavation permit and extend the approval. Mr. Robertson seconded. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Dubois, yes: Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes; Mr. Robblee, yes; Mr. Robertson, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. Schacht, yes.

  • Green Ridge Road – Update of bond and renewal – postpone to August 4 and ask Mr. Cook to attend – get packet put together far enough in advance
  • Ad Hoc Committee Update
Ms. Pinello stated that the committee has made good progress. Some of the highlights are as follows:

Lempster Wind Plant Tour
        About 20 residents, 2 reporters, and Jean Vissering (landscape architect) attended
        Tour was lead by the owner, Kevin Onella
        Ms. Vissering was given a tour of Antrim and surrounding towns
Ms. Vissering’s focus is siting. She answered specific questions at a 4PM meeting in town Hall, following the tour. From the information that she observed and received, she will develop a report.

Ms. Pinello had expected the Lempster Wind Farm engineer/director to give the tour and expressed her disappointment that he was unable to guide the tour.

Professional Planner
Consultant Carol Ogilvie (Community Development Director for the Town of Peterborough) is currently reviewing the Industrial Wind Scale Ordinance. She will attend the next Ad Hoc Committee meeting on July 27.

Planning Board Assignment -  To review line by line the June 27 Industrial Wind Ordinance and as a Board – to discuss general concerns, additions, deletions, suggestions, etc. Ms. Pinello suggested a work session on July 28. by a voice vote, all agreed to the session.

Searsburg Wind Plant Tour
Barbara Gard and Mary Allen visited the site on a pre-registered guided tour. The site is 15 years old and since the construction, policy and industry have significantly changed. The issue of re-powering is a current Searsburg concern.

Public Input Meeting
Ms. Pinello reported the outcome of the meeting, which also involved a discussion of concerns of Planning Board members.  Some of the issues are as follows:
        Health concerns and how to deal with them
        Safety concerns
        Rural Conservation District (RCD) and its importance for the TOA
        Importance of balance in the RCD
        The voters should be allowed to give their opinion (vote)
        Discussion of the ballot – some thought it should be kept very simple
The contract should include an obligation that the developers provide education for the local schools (Antrim, Bennington, Hancock, and Hillsboro) –field trips, etc.
Scholarship fund for students that show interest in wind technology
Sound levels and the complexity of measurement
Property assessment
Two subdivision in close proximity to the Lempster Wind Facility – would be interesting to know their stance on living next to the turbines
        Sound levels and the complexity of measurement
Property valuation –  does not belong in the ordinance – very complex – should not take it off the table

Public Attendees Input – some questions and comments:
        Impact fees – would they work for the Antrim ordinance
Ballot that gives the voter choices – such as, should wind turbines be allowed in the RCD?
Questions concerning future tours to the Lempster Wind Facility
Future modifications to the wind turbines – need to be clearly stated
The ordinance is not project specific – to be written for the entire town
If the SEC continues jurisdiction of the project, there is a possibility that the ordinance will not have importance
By-Laws – to be finalized
The Board reviewed the changes and it was agreed that Mr. Levesque would finalize the document and send to the secretary.

Mr. Levesque moved to approve the by-laws as amended. Mr. Dubois seconded. Roll Call Vote: Mr. Dubois, yes; Mr. Levesque, yes; Mr. Lazar, yes; Mr. Robblee, no; Mr. Robertson, yes; Ms. Pinello, yes; Mr. Schacht, no.  Motion passes.

SEC Rehearing
Mr. Levesque stated (in a memo to the Board) that he had been researching the SEC decision relative to the Antrim Wind Energy LLC jurisdictional issue. He believed the SEC did not follow the law and its rules in making the decision to take jurisdiction, and based on that, he suggested that the Board contemplate requesting a rehearing. He suggested three arguments for the rehearing request motion. The supporting documentation was included with the memo. He also suggested including other interveners in the rehearing motion.

A discussion of the possible rehearing ensued. It was determined that when the order was issued, a decision would be made. Once the order is issued, the request for rehearing must be submitted within 30 days.

Other Business:
DES –Wetlands and Non-site specific Permit 2011-00454 – Anderson – Concord St., Map 232 Lot 41 – FYI
DES – Shoreland Impact Permit 2011-01336 – Bennett – Jackman Shores – FYI

Workshops and Trainings:
“Guiding Change – Planning Tools for your Community” – Planning Board Members to borrow CD - Who would like to be first?    The Board members are too busy to review the cd.

At 9:00 PM, Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn. Mr. Levesque seconded. All approved to adjourn - by a voice vote.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, Secretary of the Planning Board